InDigital | Inventivna digitalna agencija

Digitally connected

Case study -

Brand communication, Social media advertising, Google ads, Content Strategy, Design


Our Goal

The client desires to increase the number of platform users, both in the B2C and B2B sectors.


Brand communication

Social media advertising

Google ads

Content Strategy



Hipokratija platform is a complete digital solution intended for healthcare institutions, to improve their business, increase the number of patients, and improve their online reputation and visibility. Hipokratija is also an online space where patients can find useful information and share their experiences.


Concept and Strategy

Addressing the issue of restrictions on promoting medical services online was our first challenge. Our team successfully overcame these obstacles by defining the content strategy in detail.

Strategy for Google campaigns was also carefully prepared. All necessary analyses were conducted, content strategy was defined, and parameters were adjusted. Google campaigns were successfully launched.

For B2B marketing, we opted for LinkedIn, an important communication channel with healthcare institutions.


All our efforts paid off! In just one year, Hipokratija platform became a recognized name, both in the medical sector and among the patients.