There is nothing easier than writing an amazing blog post if you are an expert in the niche! All your knowledge can be translated into valuable and informative content. The blog post will make great results, SEO will be on spot – in an extensive text you are providing valuable information. However, in most cases, the situation isn’t that simple. As a matter of fact, for numerous experts in various fields, it is very hard to express their knowledge through blog texts. There are experts who are good with words and eloquent, but they simply do not have enough time in the day to sit down and write a blog post. And then, there are copywriters – experts for words. However, it is clear that copywriters can’t become experts overnight in a niche they didn’t know anything about just a day ago.

Even if the copywriter is specialized for writing in a certain niche (which is rare in our country), it would be devastating if he would be able to become expert on the same level as someone who spent years educating himself. It is a brilliant idea to engage a copywriter to write blog posts for your company, but the problem is in the knowledge that copywriter (justifiably) doesn’t have. On the other hand, it is perfectly understandable that a client requests top-noch content and does not accept mediocrity.

Can we create great blog posts even if we are not experts in the field?

Actually – we can.

Clearly, you will spend more time researching – but, that is the reality of the job. Non-copywriters are often surprised by the fact that copywriters (even though they often charge by the word) usually spend far more time researching than actually writing blog posts. Long story short – yes, you can write amazing blog posts even if you are not an expert in the niche.


1. Problem that targeted audiences want to resolve

Unfortunately, there are no shortcuts and the process has to begin with researching. You should visit forums or Facebook pages which are connected to the industry you are writing about. Everything that is interesting to your targeted audience, becomes a potential blog topic.

2. Keywords research and competition analysis

Keywords can help you to tie up all of your ideas into a whole. Keywords can be observed as hints – things you should focus on. Besides, implementing keywords into your blog posts is very important for successful SEO.

The next step is to analyze your competition. Check if your competition writes longer or shorter blog posts, topics they’re covering, do they focus on the concrete problems or on the news from the industry… Then visit Facebook or LinkedIn pages where they share their content. Check which topics are conversation starters, does competition communicate with their audiences on social media, how do visitors react to published blog posts…

3. And some more research…

Do not base your research only on competition analysis. In the end, you want to blow them away with your blog page. You can use Google Scholar to find useful articles and interesting papers.

Don’t hesitate to ask your client for information, or question them about guidelines or news from the industry. Perhaps they are too busy to write blog content on their own, but they can certainly spend half an hour sharing their knowledge with you. In the end, you have a mutual goal – exceptional blog posts!

4. The headline is important!

It is not enough just to write an excellent headline. From the very beginning until the end, the text needs to ocupate reader’s attention. However, the headline is the bait – the title will attract readers and the content will make them stay. We advise you to create 2-3 headlines for every blog text. You can have a “working title” so your text will not be “no name” while you’re still writing it. From our experience, the best captions sometimes reveal themselves when the blog texts are complete. It is recommended that headlines contain at least one keyword.

You can always extract a few important theses you should talk about in your blog post, so you can be certain that you covered all the required topics. Sometimes it is easier to write an introduction and conclusion first and the rest of the text later. That way, you will create an overture to the topic and write an explanation of the solution in the very beginning. In general, you will spend most of your time writing an introduction and conclusion. However, the working process can vary from copywriter to copywriter, or even from industry to industry.

If you are lucky (like the copywriter who is writing this text) and you are the copywriter who is writing about copywriting, this text will not be of much help. However, if you are about to write about the topic you just heard about for the very first time, our tips may be helpful. If you want to upgrade your writing skills, challenge yourself with a topic you never touched before. Your creative juices are just waiting to start flowing!

If you are about to start a blog page for your company, don’t hesitate to give as a call. Our copywriting team guarantees: thorough research, creating unique and informative content and content optimization for the desired distribution channel.