The high-quality sales message will not achieve optimal results if it is not directed to the targeted audience through the appropriate channels. Before launching our campaign on social media, we have to create a strategy: specifying the keywords, locating the targeted audience, defining the budget, determining the tone of the campaign… Only then we can indulge ourselves in creating inspirational copies and designing interesting visuals. The results of the launched campaign have to be monitored constantly. If our online approach hits the bullseye, the audience will react – through likes, comments, and shares.

Most of the companies choose Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter as the key platforms for online advertisement. The type of business and the location of the targeted audience will determine the optimal platform for your online campaign. The irreplaceable platform for B2B (business to business) marketing is Linkedin. If your services or products are directed toward other businesses, Linkedin is the place to be!

As individuals, we perceive Linkedin as a social network we can use when searching for employment or to stay in touch with customers or potential clients. The link to the updated Linkedin profile can be a perfect attachment to your CV. As an individual, you can use Linkedin for free advertisement. Similar to other online platforms, here you can share your business success stories or ideas, ask for support, or even start collaborations. However, if your company offers its assortment primarily to other companies, your online approach on Linkedin has to be wisely planned, considering it is an investment that can bring remarkable results.

First of all, it is substantial that your Linkedin profile can attract customers and clients. You have the option to set your profile and cover photo and to fill out the About section. About section allows you 2000 character space. Use it to write something about yourself and your business. Experts advise using only 25% of space to write something about yourself. The remaining 75% should be used for explaining how you or your products can help others in solving their problems or dilemmas.

Almost every business email correspondence will result in a Linkedin search. If your correspondent can not find you on this platform, he will consider it as a first red flag. The second red flag will appear if he or she finds your profile, but it’s sloppily filled or it has not been updated for a very long time. Linkedin itself offers options for further improvement (through Learning). You can choose your lectures based on the niche you work in. Afterward, you get a certificate, which can be seen on your profile.

If you want to create a business page, from the menu Work choose the option Create a Company Page. Filling out the required information will take you only 10-15 minutes.

  • When creating a business page, try to use its full potential. Companies usually experience Linkedin as a platform intended for business only. In their News Feed, you will only find information about successful sales, the comparison with the competition, or the information about newly opened positions. You can share this kind of information on Linkedin, but carefully – Linkedin is a platform that can be used to create and promote your brand. Use the opportunity – be creative, start the conversation, and remain connected!
  • Be consistent in posting. Experts advise posting 4-5 times weekly. Keep in mind that your followers will not see every post you share. The algorithm (based on realized engagement) will decide which post will be shown and for how long.
  • Only 25-30% of posted content should refer to your products or services. The remaining 70-75% should be used to inform and/or educate.
  • When designing your visuals, keep recommended dimensions in mind (1200 x 600).

Linkedin has around 80 million active users at this moment, but only 3 million are posting on a regular basis. It is a platform that attracts people and businesses but is not oversaturated with the competition. Experts say that Linkedin today irresistibly reminds them of Facebook 2012. Shared posts can be seen organically – without any investment in the advertisement. The desired reach is easily achieved. However, this is a tactic already used by Facebook. In the future, experts predict changes in the Linkedin algorithm, and sponsored posts will be prioritized. It is very important to play wisely and take advantage of the opportunity while it lasts!

The current Linkedin algorithm prolongs the lifespan of your posts. Instagram and Facebook posts disappear from feed after a few hours. If your post achieves great engagement, it could stay on top of the Linkedin News Feed for weeks to come. That is why the main goal is to create interesting content, that will intrigue. Additionally, your posts are not visible to your network only. If one of your contacts leaves a comment on your post, the post will be shown to his followers as well (profile has to be set on Public). Your post can become viral, even if you do not have a lot of followers. One high-quality post can bring you new business connections and fame in the chosen niche. 

Linkedin space can be successfully used as a microblogging platform. You can share posts to tell a story and to create a warmer atmosphere. Linkedin posts can be used for sharing an interesting anecdote or important life lesson – just like Twitter and Facebook posts a few years ago. If you want to share the same post on different platforms, do not share on Linkedin the link to the post already shared on the other platform. The Linkedin algorithm will recognize this activity and will not promote your post. If you want to share a video you already posted on YouTube – upload that video directly on Linkedin; do not share the link to the YouTube post.

It is very important to be creative when making copies for Linkedin posts. Linkedin initially shows two sentences of shared text and to see the rest of the text, the reader has to click on see more. If readers have the desire to click on that button, you are doing your job well. Our advice is to start your post with a question or controversial statement (about the industry you are a part of). Precise statistical data will also grab attention. Your goal is to start the conversation through comments, likes, and shares.

You can use paid advertisement as well. Some will say that Linkedin advertisements can be expensive (when compared to other social media platforms). The real value of advertising can be determined only when investment and achieved results are compared. Sponsored Content Ads on Linkedin are getting more and more popular because you can achieve excellent reach at a reasonable price. You can post different formats of content – pictures, videos, texts, messages… Linkedin offers different parameters, so you can be sure that your message will get to the targeted audience.

Currently, the best platform for B2B marketing is Linkedin. However, it is very important to use your space wisely on this platform. Linkedin is a social platform where you can promote business and start business communication, but do not let yourself be monotonous and boring. InDigital team strives to create interesting and informative Linkedin content. The right time to make a move on this platform is right now. Take advantage of an algorithm that still appreciates high-quality and creative content – according to the opinions of the targeted audience.