Defining and targeting your audience is one of the most important steps of your marketing campaign. If your sales message is not directed to the right audience (and if it is not directed in the right way), the results will be disappointing. After the initial targeting, there are also remarketing and retargeting. We are talking about special online marketing strategies, that are directing advertisements to the audience which already interacted with your company. Remarketing groups usually include website visitors, people who left their e-mail addresses, applications users… To create a remarketing group, you should use any and all information that can direct you to the potential customers. The focus is on persons who already showed their interest in your products or services – through earlier interactions.

Some marketers will argue that the term remarketing should only be used when talking about Google ads and e-mail campaigns, and retargeting should be used if we are creating social media campaigns. However, these terms can almost be used as synonyms, because they are very similar and are indicating the same process. Remarketing is used to facilitate communication between businesses and potential customers, through personalized messages and advertisements.

The example of remarketing

The easiest way to explain the process and the results of remarketing is through an example.

Our company is selling computers and electronic equipment. Person A is searching for a new laptop. We did an excellent SEO and online campaign, so Google ranks our website in the first few results for the searched keywords. Person A scrolls through our website and leaves without making any purchase. If we leave it at that, person A will most likely forget about our offer in just a few days.

However, when person A enters to read their favorite blog or news channels, remarketing advertisements will pop up, reminding person A about the products from our offer she was interested in. We can even “sugar-coat” our offer by giving an extra 10% off on certain products. Person A will most likely visit our website again and make a purchase this time. The explained tactics can be used on person B, C, or D and a personalized approach will always bring the results. The conversion percentage is considerably higher for remarketing campaigns in comparison to the initially launched campaigns, targeted to a much larger audience. The funnel is narrowed and targeting is sophisticated.

How does it work?

The targeted audience can find your website through numerous channels (advertising or organic search). Every time it happens, you can create tracking codes, which can help you to form a specific and focused group. The next step is to create a unique and customized sales message for each group. Tools that can be used are Google Analytics, Facebook pixels… Remarketing is not exclusively linked to the GDN (Google display’s network). Most of the platforms (Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, YouTube) support remarketing campaigns.

What is RLSA?

RLSA is short for Remarketing List for Search Ads. This option allows you to create lists based on websites people are visiting. For example, person A visited a website that sells laptops and electronic equipment. This person didn’t make a purchase, which means conversion was not achieved. Person A leaves the website and proceeds to the keywords Google search. At that moment, the company behind the visited website can automatically increase its bid, because person A is on their targeted Remarketing list. Advertisers can increase the bid for search keywords to people who have already visited their website. The initial investment can be raised by 100% (from 1 to 2 dollars) for everyone on RLSA.

Remarketing can be a useful tool in the hands of an experienced marketer. In addition to helping you sell, it helps you promote your brand online. Remarketing can be described as an additional bust for your campaign. A personalized approach and shown initiative will empower your connection with potential customers. Remarketing is actually the lasso you can use to “catch” the audience you failed to convert to the loyal customers at your first attempt.